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Animal Welfare

Keeping animals from suffering needlessly is the primary focus of animal welfare debates. It is unacceptable for horses, dogs, or other animals to suffer.

American Poultry Does Well

Keeping animals from suffering needlessly is the primary focus of animal welfare debates. It is unacceptable for horses, dogs, or other animals to suffer. As seen by the millions of broiler chicks that are sold in American stores and fed in school canteens each year, American farming has a tradition of doing things well.

We know there is a problem if there is blood and wounds, even though we are unable to ask about the chickens' wellbeing. We therefore keep a close eye out for foot pad burns in our hens. Animals that come into contact with bedding that is damp or contains ammonia, among other skin irritants, will burns on their skin. The farmers take great care to make sure the hens are happy.

This translates into a better deal at the butcher shop; in fact, chicken feet are a very profitable export for Asian nations.

By working diligently and effectively, the American broiler chicken industry has surpassed expectations in minimizing foot pad burns: The strategy for eliminating foot pad burns is successful. It also entails catching, relocating, and slaughtering chickens as quickly as painlessly as possible. Once more, this is to guarantee that the welfare standard is upheld along with the requirements for salmonella-free meat and sustainable food production.

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